Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Haul of the Week 2.13.13

I have definitely been able to control myself this last week, I haven't gone crazy overboard on lip balm buying. That being said, I still received some pretty fantastic balms this week. I know it doesn't look like I was controlling myself last week by what's shown below, but I swear I was! Here's what came in this week:

I love how colorful this picture is! They look so neat!

I love the thin tube of Lemon Vanilla Bean Meringue I received as a freebie along with their Simply Put Ginger with my order. I don't know what it is about thin tubes, but I love them!

I always forget about my monthly subscriptions! It's so nice to receive a special treat every month!

Ashley & Nathan were so generous to send these to me after my review of their products!

Jenny was so generous to send me a tube of her lip balm for review!

Yes, I know, I have a lot of ForGoodnessGrape balms! They're just so good and there are so many flavors! Lisa was kind enough to include Coconut Cream and Long Island Iced Tea along with my order.

The Lip Balm Queen
Lisa also sent me this balm from her newest shop for me to try out!

What balms did you get this week?
Happy Wednesday!

***Don't forget to enter my Little Batch giveaway here!***


  1. Cutting back on buying, sure! ;)

    Isn't ForGoodnessGrape's Horchatta wonderful?! I just love it.

    1. Hey, I tried! Haha!

      Yes, it's amazing! I love it. Have you tried Ballyhoo Bath's Horchatta balm? That one is seriously incredible!


  2. Cant wait to read your review about the Epically Epic Mint Chocolate Espresso!
    Anyway... Did you tried the Avon lipbalms? I'm not a big fan of this brand but was the first lipbalm I've earned when I was a kid. They changed the tubes a little but the balm is still good; the chocolate one have the same taste as M&Ms.

    1. I've never tried Avon lip balms before, I'll have to look into them!


  3. This week I have received Black Walnut Toffee or "Dark Forest", Blackberry Kona or "Oregon Dirt" and Bourbon Mint all from Rain Bird Caves off etsy. I also received my Rootbeer Float, Papaya Coconut, Chocolate Kahlua, Peach Fizzy, and Kiss of Death from FGG. And from Wicked Soaps: Pistachio, Caramel Cream, Mint Julep, and Kahlua Cream. Love all the lip balms that I received this week!

    1. Rain Bird Caves, I like their name and the shop looks cute.

    2. I've been checking out Rain Bird Caves, they have a few flavors I definitely want to try.

      A lot of our FGG flavors are starting to line up! I have a lot of the same ones! =).


  4. It's so nice to see my naked little balm up there! :)

    1. I hope you don't mind me posting it up there! I've been using your balm a lot lately!



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