Monday, June 10, 2013

Mini Monday 6.10.13

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful day so far! Rob and I are headed to Los Angeles today to attend a convention this week, so we're pretty excited about that. Do you have anything fun planned for this week? If not, I hope these balms brighten up your week a little bit:

Orange Thyme's Raspberry Sorbet
This balm is probably one of my new favorite balms from Orange Thyme! It's so sweet and fruity yet light, it's definitely going to be one of the ones I carry with me this summer.

Long Winter Farm's Blood Cherry
Okay, this balm totally blows my favorite LWF balm out of the water (but, not by much, since my favorite LWF is Chocolate Orange). This balm is amazing, seriously, just get it, you won't regret it! It's delicious chocolate combined with sweet oranges AND cherries. Seriously delicious and decadent stuff here guys!

Epically Epic's Lilikoi Orange
Another balm that's going to be great for this summer, this Lilikoi Orange balm is tropical and all kinds of wonderful. It smells of tropical Passion Fruit combined with sweet, orange citrus!

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this week's Mini Monday! 
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I have to admit, that Blood Cherry is PRETTY darned amazing!

  2. Love the Blood Cherry and the Lilikoi Orange!

  3. If you guys like Blood Cherry then you're going to love my new Blood Punch at ForGoodnessGrape!


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