Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Haul of the Week 9.25.13

Hi all! I hope you're having a wonderful week so far! This week I'm eagerly waiting a bunch of packages, mostly early birthday presents, so all week I've been checking and rechecking tracking. Does anyone else do that? My haul this week is super small, but the balms are super awesome, so I hope you enjoy!

I'm sorry this is such a bad picture, I was studying all day yesterday (yes, this post wasn't written way in advance like some others) and completely forgot to take a good picture. But, you get the idea right? I got 3 balms and 2 perfume oils from Ripe Shop. I really wish the 24 Carrot had worked with my body chemistry, it smelled so good out of the bottle!

What balms did you receive this week? I hope your haul was bigger than mine was!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. how did you like the peanut butter s'more? I just ordered it online and haven't received it yet, but I'm dying to know. :)

  2. How are the Ripe Shop perfume oils? The 24 Carrot sounds delicious!


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