If you're interested in sponsoring Lip Balm Wrangler, there's no better time to do so than in November! Even though the holidays and Black Friday are just around the corner, there is still time to get your shop some extra attention this month. I know Black Friday is a huge day for shops and advertising on Lip Balm Wrangler could help bring you more visitors to your shop!Right now my In Post Ad is booked until November 24th, but it is open after that which is perfect for a last minute Black Friday Ad since the ad runs for one week. In Post Ads run for one week at the bottom of each post with posts schedules at least six days a week, they are also the largest size I offer. Three of my Large Ad Spots are booked, but there is still room for four more. This is a great spot that gets a ton of attention as it is large on my sidebar. My XL Spot is currently booked until December 7th, but is open after that, just in time to get some extra exposure before Christmas!
Here are some current statistics for you if you're interested:
Monthly Views as of October 2013: 13,223 the highest it's been since January, monthly views are on an upward trend
Average Daily Views: 426
Facebook Likes: 118
Twitter Followers: 145
If you'd like to sponsor Lip Balm Wrangler, just click on the 'Sponsors' tab on my main page. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail me at lipbalmwrangler AT gmail DOT com.
Thank you for considering sponsoring Lip Balm Wrangler!
Have a great day!
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