Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Haul of the Week 1.8.14

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today's Rob's birthday so I've got some birthday stuff to get together for him. I absolutely love gift shopping and making peoples' days special so I'm really excited, as is he! I'm baking a cake and getting his last presents all together, so today I'll have fun doing that. I haven't posted a haul in two or so weeks, so this haul this week is kind of a conglomeration of everything I've picked up since Christmas which actually hasn't been that much (might need to change that!). Enjoy!


Like I said, not a lot has been going on in the lip balm department over here. I have so many I need to review that I don't really want to buy a ton more if they're just going to be sitting around for a while waiting to be reviewed. That's also why sometimes my Mini Mondays are replaced with other things or written last minute, because I'm usually trying to find some balms to write about! 

What balms did you get this week? Anything new you'd recommend I try?
Have a wonderful day, everyone!

**Don't forget to enter my giveaway for lip balm and an Etsy giftcard here!!**


  1. You might like Moonalisa, she has seasonal flavors out right now.

    I haven't tried these shops yet but they have some lip balms and tints. On Etsy, newnaturecosmetics, ReviveYourBath, and WildRoseHerbs.

  2. Woah since when did Epic Soaps did lip balms in oval tubes? :O


Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment, I love reading each and every one!

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