Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Haul of the Week 12.5.12

More of my Black Friday packages just keep on rollin' in! It's been a great week for mail! I'm so happy! Honestly, receiving those little envelopes in the mail makes me so happy, it's a little ridiculous. I know some of you are dying to see what else I got my hands on during Black Friday/Cyber here goes!:

Buffalo Gal Organics (Previously Body Luxe)
I had been looking at this shop for a while, and finally decided to give these balms a try!

I can't ever avoid an Orange Thyme sale, and yes I bought the pack with kids flavors! I saw Watermelon Juice and I just wanted to try it! The Banana is AMAZING, smells just like banana popsicles!

I was finally able to get my hands on the new You Stink Soap flavors, yay! I love You Stink Soap balms!

I couldn't wait a month until my next monthly lip balm, so I decided to try a couple others that aren't included in my monthly lip balm subscription during Megan's Black Friday sale.

Yup, I love Petite Threla balms! As soon as I saw they were having a sale, I acted on it! These balms are AMAZING, seriously, go try them. You'll thank me for it later. Recommended them to my cousins and they're in love! 

I was worried this would sell out before I was able to get it, so I purchased it even though it wasn't on sale. And then two days later, Aubrey E. had a sale so clearly I had to pick up these three as well:

I had eyed these balms for a while so I figured, while they were having a sale (30% off!) was the best time for me try try them!

This was one of the first shops I had ever found on Etsy, but I never purchased from them until now. Gotta try new things when they're on sale, right?

Yeah...I still have a few more packages coming..oh boy! What did you find in your mailbox this week?

**Don't forget to enter my giveaway here for your own stick of Softlips Marshmallow Ghost**


  1. Wow - what a collection. Still waiting for my haul to arrive... can't wait to hear how these turn out. :)

  2. Hey Christina, Have you ever tried these hemp balms?

    1. I haven't tried those balms before, I've actually never seen them. Have you heard good things about them?


    2. I've heard good things but haven't tried them yet myself. I am very curious about the hemp. :)

    3. I've seen a few hemp balms and I've always been intrigued in how it made balms different from balms made from other ingredients. Let me know if you decide to try them! I'd love to know what you think of them.


    4. I have a balm with hemp oil that's pretty good, although I don't know if that's why I like it...Would be cool if there were lip balm "do it yourself" labs like those paint your own pottery places so we could experiment.

    5. That would be such a cool place to go to! I mean, sure only lip balm addicts like us would really enjoy that, but still! I'd love to experiment with different ingredients and flavors.


  3. Mirasol Farm sent me a free Double Mint balm with my Black Friday order and I am loving it. This shop is similiar to Upstate Herb Works and the Simple Siren, lots of all natural goodies.

    1. I will definitely have to check that shop out then, I love Upstate Herb Works and the Simple Siren and any balms like those, I'll probably love!

      Thank you for sharing!



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