Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ripe Shop Part VI

Hi all! I'm so sorry for my absence lately, but I've been cracking down on my MCAT studying and really trying to focus because it's next Wednesday. So for the next weekish, I'll probably still be pretty MIA. I can't wait for the exam to be over so I can finally just do nothing for a day or two before I start studying for the GRE (as a backup plan). I promise to get back to comments and e-mails after the MCAT is over. I've been studying 5-7 hours almost every day for the last two months, I need a break from everything after next Wednesday! Anyway, I wanted to make sure I still had a review for you guys to read today, so I hope you enjoy!

Company: Ripe Shop

Flavors: Tangerine Currant, Sweet Mango Tea, Honeyed Peach, and Banana Pudding. The Tangerine Currant smells super bright and a little tart. The citrus is a light, strong citrus scent, I know that sounds crazy, but the tangerine scent has a lighter citrus scent than orange but it's not a weak scent because you definitely smell it! It's fragrant and lovely. The Sweet Mango Tea is probably one of my favorite Ripe Shop balms (it also goes great with my Long Winter Farm Mango Tea perfume oil). It smells of delicious tropical mango and a little bit of citrus. I also kind of smells like there's some yogurt in it too, is that weird? I don't know, but it smells amazing! The Honeyed Peach smells strongly of honey and ripe peaches, this was stronger in honey than I prefer, but if you like honey, this is a balm you want to try! The Banana Pudding is another one of my favorites. It smells of a candy-like banana scent over an actual banana scent, but it smells sweet and yummy! It smells just like those banana Popsicles I'm always referring to.

Wear: These balms go on so beautifully, they melt right into my lips. They go on soft and creamy, but they're a little delicate when you first start off so go easy on pressing the balm against your lips! I usually end up with small chunks of balm in my mouth when I first use some of these tubes because I forget how delicate they are. Trust me, these balms don't taste as good as they smell!

Packaging: These balms come in oval tubes with black and white labels. The flavors of the balm are right on the front of the tube which makes it easy to tell the flavors apart.

Price: $4 a tube, $7 for 2, or $10.50 for 3 which is definitely worth it for these balms!

Pros: Flavors, Wear, Packaging, Price

Rating: 5 out of 5 twists. Get yourself some Ripe Shop balms! Adriana has some pretty unique and interesting scent combinations that are all super wonderful, you really can't go wrong with any of her balms!

Ingredients: Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Avocado Oil, Cocoa & Shea Butters, Vitamin E, Flavor

Have you tried Ripe Shop balms before? Which ones are your favorites? Or, if you haven't tried them yet: 1)What are you waiting for? and 2) Which Ripe Shop balms are you most interested in trying?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the review and feature Christina! I'm such a sucker for mango too and that mango tea is one of my faves. A sale is coming very soon I promise!! :)


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