Friday, July 19, 2013

Balms I've Got My Eye On 7.19.13

Hi all! Thank you SO much for being so patient with me this week. I can't even begin to explain how much of a nightmare this move has been for us. I'm a perfectionist so I had everything planned to the T. I knew what time we'd go pick up the keys and see the apartment, how much time we'd have to pack last minute things before the movers came, when the furniture guys were coming, when the movers were coming, when we'd need to rush to the second apartment to let the movers in, and when everything would be done and I could start unpacking and bring the cats over from the old apartment. I knew all of that because I'm psycho and like to have everything planned out. What I did not plan for was walking into the apartment and seeing that it was completely wrong. It wasn't the right apartment! We were shown one floor plan which we signed a lease for without seeing it because we loved the floor plan so much (we had less than a month to get out of our old apartment because the lease was almost up and this was the only one that fit our time frame), but when we got here it was the wrong floor plan. They also didn't have any more apartments in our price range open unless we wanted to go much smaller, the next one doesn't open for about another two months. So basically, we're really mad, we don't know what to do, and we're just SO stressed about this. This was supposed to be simple. I'm leaving for Chicago on Saturday morning which also kind of made this more stressful. Oh also, we didn't have Internet or cable yesterday and we weren't supposed to until next week (when I'd be out of town anyway), but the leasing office pulled some strings and were able to get us an appointment this morning. Ugh. So maybe I was able to explain a little bit of the chaos we're going through right now. Anyway, I'm looking at these balms this week as kind of a reward for how crappy this week has been:

Aqua Blossom's Tangerine Lime
Tangerine Lime lip butter, natural vegan gluten-free lip balm, fruity citrus lip gloss

Ripe Shop's Ambrosia
Ambrosia Lip Balm - Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Signature Fruity Lip Balm

ForGoodnessGrape's Strawberry Grapefruit
Strawberry Grapefruit Lip Balm

Thanks so much for being patient and for enduring my little rant. This week has just been too much for me.
Thank goodness this week's just about over!

Happy Friday, everyone!


  1. I'm so sorry about your moving nightmare, LW! I just loathe moving... we moved 3 times the year I was pregnant and one of the places was a total bug-out. Remind me to tell you about it. You will get through this!

  2. Oh Christina! I'm so sorry to hear about this unnecessary stress you're going through :( Don't worry it will all work itself out soon. Just keep a smile on your face and keep moving forward.


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