Monday, July 1, 2013

Mini Monday 7.1.13

Can you believe that June is over already? I feel like it had just begun! Is it me, or does everyone feel like this year has been going by crazy fast? I apologize for my tardiness with this post, last night I had missed the sun to take the pictures for the post. Yesterday just didn't turn out even close to what we expected to do. We ended up walking down to the parade, realized that I couldn't see anything no matter where I went because I'm so short and really tall people kept shouldering in directly in front of me which made it absolutely impossible for me to see anything. So after thirty minutes or so of that, we decided to return home and take care of some stuff that we need to do before we move to our new place, which we didn't and couldn't do because we forgot that on Sundays everything is closed (yesterday seriously just wasn't my day). And we didn't do Bikram because we were just so exhausted and really just wanted to relax, the last two or three weekends have been crazy busy for us as we've been out of town or had people from out of town come in, so we just wanted to finally clean our apartment and then relax the rest of the day. We relaxed so much that that's how I forgot to take the pictures for the post, and thus forgot to write this post last night. ANYWAY, long story short, I apologize for the tardiness, but let's start this week off right, here's this week's Mini Monday!

ChapStick's MixStix Strawberry Banana Smoothie
This balm is seriously amazing. The strawberry smells sweeter than their usual Strawberry ChapStick, it's almost candy-like in its sweetness. The banana has a light, true banana scent; it's not like the banana candy scent that I usually get in my banana balms. When you mix them together, it's just wonderful! I really love the packaging with these new MixStix, I think it's just such a neat idea!

Aqua Blossom's Rainbow Love
This balm is filled with bright, fruity scents; perfect for summer! It's seriously got every fruity scent under the rainbow. Love this balm!

Symbolic Imports' Buttercreme

Okay seriously, I could smell this balm before I even fully opened the package or the tube! It smells incredible! It's so rich and decadent and just amazing. It smells just like rich and creamy buttercreme frosting, seriously, this is the best buttercreme balm I've ever tried.

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this week's Mini Monday!
Happy Monday, everyone! Have a wonderful day!

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