Wednesday, January 4, 2012

J.R. Watkins

While on this trip in Los Angeles, I happened to find a J.R. Watkins store which got me really excited since I found a J.R. Watkins lip balm in a Walgreens not too long ago and looked them up online and realized they carried two other flavors. I had never heard of the brand before then and love to try any and all (within my price range) new lip balms I come across. Since we only had about 25 minutes until our movie started and the store was all the way on the other side of the mall, it was crunch time to make it to the store and back in time to watch the previews for the movie. My boyfriend had to make a pit stop so I took off with his mom (my other partner-in-lip-balm-discovering-crime). We made it to the store very quickly, much quicker than anticipated, and I found the lip balms almost immediately and was checking out within two minutes of entering the store (I work really well under pressure, otherwise I would have been looking at all their other products as well). Needless to say, we made it back to the movie theater with tons of time to spare and with wonderful new lip balms in my possession.

Company: J.R. Watkins

Flavors: Peppermint, Medicated, and Raspberry. I've never been a huge, huge fan of medicated lip balms but I do enjoy them occasionally and this one is not so bad. It of course smells similar to Vicks Vapor Rub but more pleasant. I really adore the peppermint flavor of this balm, I tend to pick up tons of peppermint balms (and coconut, and vanilla, and strawberry...perhaps I just pick up tons of balms period). This one in particular is very fragrant of peppermint but very light at the same time. You can clearly tell it is peppermint but it is very pleasant. Similar to the peppermint found in the center of Junior Mint candy. I also really like the raspberry flavor of this balm. I'm not the biggest fan of raspberry balms, they're always okay but I really enjoy this one. It's lightly scented, it reminds me of raspberry sherbert or strawberry ice cream. But regardless it smells delicious. There's no taste to any of the balms so I don't find myself licking it off which is of course a huge plus in my book. They also carry tinted balms, but I'm not a huge fan of those.

Wear: Wonderfully smooth application. I couldn't help but continuously apply it because of how smooth it went on and how great it felt on my lips. It makes my lips feel very smooth and soft. It seems to last about an hour or more, but I enjoy putting it on so much I usually put more on even before it's necessary. The product is 100% natural (no petroleum here) and has no SPF.

Packaging: Standard lip balm tubes, the medicated with a green label on it, the peppermint with a yellow label on it, and the raspberry with a pink label on it. Each label has an old style of front on it, makes it appear that the product has been around for a long time (which it has, as stated on their website) and kind of vintage yet elegant. It receives my approval.

Price: Around $3.50, which is more than worth it for this balm.

Pros: Price, Packaging, Application, Scent, Flavors, Long Lasting, Natural
Cons: No SPF

Rating: 5 out of 5 twists

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