Monday, January 2, 2012


Welcome to Chapstick Wrangler! I have loved lip balms for my entire life starting with the lip smackers that every little girl and I'm sure some little boys enjoyed way back when. I know there are others out there like myself who appreciate a smooth glide of balm and have a tube for every bag, pocket, or drawer. I wanted to share my love with the world, with you guys, by going out into the wilderness and giving all of those weird sounding or never heard of brands a try. Afterwords, I'll let you know what I think!  This way you won't ever have to get stuck with a bad balm again.

-The Chapstick Wrangler


  1. thank you chapstick wrangler!

    1. No problem! Just doin' what I love, collecting lip balm, and sharing it with the rest of the world =).


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