Monday, January 2, 2012


I figured I'd write the first review on a balm I picked up just last night. I was desperately looking for a bathroom while at ghiradelli square when I walked past a store that sold handmade goods. Of course my boyfriend knew as soon as I laid my eyes on that store I was goin on a mission to find new lip balm. Just when I was getting my hopes up I glanced at the register and found the lip balm!

The store I walked into was called elizabethW and the lady behind the counter informed me that all the products were local and handmade. They carry other goods in addition to their lip balms. Their products can  be purchased online.

Company: elizabethW

Flavor(s): Mandarin and Peppermint, the mandarin smell is light but still there and pretty refreshing. Not much taste but that's good so you won't be licking it off as soon as you apply it. Peppermint of course has the distinct scent of peppermint but not at all overbearing. They also carry geranium and lavender but I've never been a big fan of floral lip balm, but if that's your thing, you're in luck!

Wear: At first the balm was stiff but quickly softened up and went on smoothly with great coverage, and lasts a decent amount of time. I didn't have to reapply immediately but I also put on lip balm pretty frequently. The next day (today) the balm continued to go on smooth.

Packaging: standard lip balm tube, white with a simple label depicting mandarin slices/mint leaves and the company name. Simple and to the point. Pleasant to look at.

Price: $4 for a 0.15 oz (4g) tube, a bit pricey for those of us on a budget but still not too bad for a local, natural, and handmade product.

Pros: good coverage, pleasant scent, nice packaging, can purchase online
Cons: a bit pricey, more flavors would be nice, no SPF

I give this balm: 4 out of 5 twists


  1. I love your blog!! One thing i would like to point out though is that after going on i saw that they have not only mandarin and peppermint, they also supply geranium and lavender. I also have a question: could you write a review on baby lips chap stick? I think that the maker is maybelline. I found it at cvs, but didnt buy it.

    1. Hi Emily! Glad to hear you love the blog! I did mention that they carry geranium and lavender but I really don't like floral lip balms so I didn't purchase them for review =).

      I will most definitely write a review on baby lips! I have three of those right now and will make sure to write up a review on them later this week for you =). Let me know what you think! I'll try to get it up by Thursday night or Friday =).

  2. Sorry about the correction error, I accidentally somehow skipped that part in your post! And thanks! :)

    1. Don't worry about it! I'm sorry if I appeared harsh in my correction. I've posted the Baby Lips review, hope you enjoy it =).


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