Friday, February 17, 2012

Coming up soon!

I thought I'd give you all a sneak peak into what new balms I've recently acquired and will be reviewing shortly (with time permitting).

I also have been obsessed with checking for tons of handmade balm and different brands and crazy unique flavors. My boyfriend promised me at least 11 sticks of balm for Valentine's day so I'm holding him to that--which means I'll have even more awesome balms to review!

Here's what's coming up:

--The Chapstick Wrangler


  1. I recently stumbled upon you blog & am so happy I did!! I have enjoyed reading your reviews on so many different lip balms. I am looking forward to trying some that I haven't heard of until now. I usually tend to lean toward to the more natural/organic lip balms, so I'm glad to see you have reviewed many of those. I am interested in hearing how you liked the Hugo Naturals lip balm. I have been wanting to try some of their products, including there lip balm. Keep up the the great work!!

    1. Hi Nancy!
      Thank you so very much for your kind words. I'm so happy you found my blog! I have definitely been switching over to more natural/organic balms so be prepared to find many more reviews on those types of balms =). I will post about the Hugo Naturals lip balm later this week, I've just purchased the other two flavors that they carry so I should be able to let you know what I think very soon =).

      Have a great day!


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