Friday, May 10, 2013

Balms I've Got My Eye On 5.10.13

Happy Friday, everyone! I feel like I never stop traveling, I just got back last Wednesday and just last night we got on a plane to fly to Chicago for my graduation this weekend. We had such a long flight, we didn't get in until 1AM this morning. What stinks is that this weekend is full of SO much stuff I need to get done in addition to walking at graduation. Today I'm spending the whole day boxing up my stuff from my condo downtown; tomorrow I'm having movers come to take my furniture to my grandma's and I have to supervise, and we'll be visiting my grandparents; tomorrow night we're getting everyone together to celebrate my graduation; Sunday I walk at graduation, and after I think I'll finally be able to relax a little bit; then Monday I think Rob and I will just take it easy, finally! I know, you're all thinking, what? You were just in Hawaii last week! Boy, do I wish I was still there! So many stressful things have happened since the day we got back that have left us both feeling completely drained. Wow, okay, I'm ranting a lot. Let's get to it, after this weekend of work, I wouldn't mind getting some of these as my reward:

Aubrey E. Apothecary's Pink Lemonade
Pink Lemonade Chapstick -  Lip Butter - Summer lip balm
These balms sound amazing for summer! I'm definitely into summery balms right now.

Ono Mango Smoochie Lip Balm
Ever since I picked up my new Filthy Farmgirl lip balms, I've had my eye on some of their other flavors that I don't have yet.

Ripe Shop's Banana Pudding
Banana Pudding Lip Balm - Beeswax, Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil, Fruit, Plantain
Adriana keeps coming out with more and more flavors that I have to get my hands on! Seriously, banana balms are probably some of my most favorite balms ever, and a banana Ripe Shop balm can only mean complete awesomeness! Did I take that too far? Too bad.

Phew! I hope all my ranting and sassiness isn't bothering you, I've been super tired lately which makes me extra sassy!

What balms have you been eyeing this week?
Have a wonderful day and an even better weekend!


  1. Congrats on your graduation, though!! :)

    1. Thank you, Becka!! It turned out to be really fun and exciting!


  2. You will get through it all. You have a great life! Congrats on graduating!

    1. Thank you, Allison! We got through everything and fell asleep as soon as we got back from the airport, the weekend was just so draining!



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