Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Crazy Rumors Groupon!

Hey all!

Since I know a lot of you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook (although you should because a lot of times that is the quickest method for me to post about a sale or special and it may take me a couple days--if I do post about it--to get it on the blog), I wanted to let you know that there is a Groupon out right now to get 4 Crazy Rumors Balms (a special Valentine's day box set) for $8! Plus $2 shipping which is still cheaper than buying 2 balms alone from their website! Here's the link in case you didn't click on that giant link up there: Crazy Rumors Groupon

I definitely took advantage of this deal! I'm so excited! Let me know if you decide to try them too!

Happy Shopping!


**Don't forget to enter my HUGE Birthday Giveaway here!**


Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment, I love reading each and every one!

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