Sunday, January 6, 2013

Balms of the Week 1.6.13

This week has been keeping me so busy and so exhausted! Celebrating New Years, squeezing in last minute family time with my sister and parents before my boyfriend and I headed to San Francisco, lugging 400lbs of luggage to our apartment, attempting to unpack all of my's been hectic to say the least. But these were the balms I've kept by my side through all of this craziness this week:

Long Winter Farm's Coconut Peach
I am SO happy that I received this balm from one of my readers, it's definitely one of my favorites! It's been in my pocket of my main jacket for the last week!

ForGoodnessGrape's Banana Buttercream
This one has become a staple among my every day balms, I just love it so much!

LUSH's Chocolate Whipstick
Still my favorite lip balm for when I really need some extra moisture for my dry lips.

PuurBody's Jolly Candy
I was finally able to open this package, it was one of the ones waiting in my mailbox when I arrived in San Francisco, and oh my goodness this balm is wonderful!

What balms have you been using this week?

**Don't forget to enter my HUGE Birthday Giveaway here!**


  1. I have been using Chocolate Peppermint (made with real Giradelli Chocolate and Earl Gray with a Slice of lemon from Canfield Crafts on etsy. Their balms smell great and feel great on! I purchased their adorable mini sampler balms which are about half the size of a regular lip balm tube. They are so cute!! I just wish they had more flavors!
    Also been using LWF Pistachio. Epic Soap Vanilla Gingerbread, Lavender Marshmallow, and Vanilla Marshmallow.

    1. I've been checking out that Chocolate Peppermint balm recently! I'm really intrigued by the size of the sample balms!



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