Monday, January 14, 2013

Mini Monday 1.14.13

We're finally back to Mini Mondays! The first Mini Monday of the year to be exact. It's always so hard for me to  choose exactly which three balms I'll share with you each week; one reason is because there are just SO many I have in my collection and another being that I can never remember if I've already told you about one or not. Any who, here's what I've got for you this week:

Live Beautifully's Banana Cream Pie
This balm smells amazing! It smells just like bananas with a bit of cream, bananas with a touch of sweetness. If you like bananas at all, you'll love this balm.

Summer ScentSations' Orange Sorbet
This is DEAD on Orange Sorbet. Not even just a plain orange balm, like it smells like I just opened up a tub of orange sorbet for desert. It smells SO good, it makes my mouth water! (BTW all balms are $1.25 right now!)

Petite Threla's Peach Tea 
This balm smells just like peaches with a little bit of tea. It's a nice calm scent, if that makes any "scents" (hehe, puns), it's not overbearing. 

Stay tuned for next week's Mini Monday!

**Don't forget to enter my HUGE Birthday Giveaway here!**


  1. haha that is so sweet that you can't remember if you've told us about a lip balm or not!! :) I just find it cute! :)

    Hello, LiveBeautifully lip balm, you look so pretty!!! Oh i'm sorry, I was talking to a lip balm? oops! :) It has such a professional packaging! wow. and the flavor sounds delicious, I actually wanted to get a Banana flavor from orange thyme but this might be it!!! :) It's not sickening, right?

    1. Hahaha, Denise you are too funny!

      Both Banana flavors are amazing! Neither one is sickening, the Banana from Orange Thyme is more like a candy/sugary/popsicle banana where as the Live Beautifully Banana is like a true banana with a bit of cream. Either way, you can't go wrong!

      Let me know which one you decide to try!


    2. Denise, I have Frozen Banana from Orange Thyme and love it! It's more like a chocolatey banana flavor. I haven't tried this one from Live Beautifully but I have tried a bunch of others and they are pretty amazing! I'm kind of obsessed with their balms right now!


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