Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Look Into My Collection: Part 1

Alright, so since many of you asked me and encouraged me to continue making vlogs after my last vlog, I thought that I would try to do at least one a month. I have a bunch of ideas for vlogs, so if you don't like this one, just let me know or let me know something you'd rather see and I'll work on that! Anyway, here you go! I also apologize that it's a little long.

Ignore the really unflattering still frame. 

I hope you enjoyed my newest vlog!


  1. Love this months vlog Christina! Glad to know that I am not along with my Epic lip balm and solid lotion collection! Now you have to try Allison's perfume oil and soaps! Keep up the great work! I enjoy reading and watching yout daily/monthly posts!

    1. Yay! Thank you, Denise! I'm glad you liked it! I'm slowly going to try all of Allison's products, they're just so good!

      Thank you for always encouraging me to continue with new features!


  2. I like how they are lined up like dominoes. My mischievous cat would be on the table tempted to bat one and see what happens.

    1. Oh yeah, I definitely didn't think about that when I lined them up that way. As soon as we were done shooting, one cat jumped on the table and slowly started knocking them over and loved chasing the rolling tubes.


  3. Your vlog was adorable, Christina! My cat was watching it with me ;)

    1. Thank you, Becka! I hope you and your cat enjoyed it =), I'm sure your cat would have had more fun knocking over all of them like mine did!


    2. There is no way I could have gotten all my lip balms lined up long enough to video cat would be all over it. ;)

    3. Haha that's hilarious! I think my cat was just waiting until I put in all the hard work of lining them up to knock them down. He's very mischievous that way =).


  4. Loved it! I think it was a great idea to start with your EE collection first! I would love to see your Orange Thyme and LWF collections next! :)

    1. Thank you, Trish! Either Orange Thyme, LWF, or ForGoodnessGrape will probably be next. I seriously have way too many balms from all of those shops!


  5. Great job on this! It was unbelievable to see how many different lip balms I have made in the past year or so.

    1. Thank you, Allison! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I never really realized just how many of your balms I had in my collection until I laid them all out like that. I have 57 of them! It's actually almost been one year since I first tried your balms and now I can't imagine a time where I didn't use EE balms =).


  6. Awesome!!!! I was SO excited to hear some Jack's Mannequin in there too ;) LOVE. Keep the vlogs coming!

    1. I definitely love me some Jack's Mannequin! I couldn't use the whole song because of the rights to it, but I'm glad you were able to pick it out! I'm so happy that you liked the vlog! I'll definitely have some more in the future =).



Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment, I love reading each and every one!

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