Monday, April 29, 2013

A Look Into My Collection: Part 2

I hope you all enjoyed my last vlog, A Look Into My Collection: Part 1, I really enjoyed making it. I wanted this vlog to be just as good as the last one, but the day we shot this I was just having the worst day. Everything was going wrong for me, I felt sick, my body ached, I spent most of the day laying in bed and napping, I think I had about 5 emotional breakdowns that day. But, I was still determined to shoot the vlog the same day because I knew I wouldn't have any other time before my trip to do so. So I'm really sorry that this vlog isn't as great as the last one, but I do hope you still enjoy it! We had a lot of fun making it! Next time we promise to do better! (If you don't know who 'we' is, it's Rob and I, just FYI!) Enjoy!

I'd really love any feedback or your thoughts on this vlog! I love hearing from you guys!

I hope this helped start your week off right and that you have a wonderful day today!
Happy Monday!


  1. Wow I'm famous! LOL! Loved the video, you crack me up! Hope you're having a great time in Hawaii. :)


    1. Thank you, Trish! I hope you're okay with me saying your name on video haha. I actually said your name before in a different video, but then Rob and I were like "Oh my gosh, what if she's not okay with that?" and then we edited it out haha.


  2. I loved it too! You are a natural! Hard to believe you were under the weather! Keep these v-logs coming! Cant wait to hear all about your first trip to Hawaii! Glad that you and Robb are having a blast!

    1. Thank you, Denise! I'm so glad you liked it! I definitely plan on keeping up with these vlogs!


  3. LOL at the sponsor call ;)
    super cute video!

    1. Haha I'm glad you liked it! Rob thought it would be fun to do it that way, I was really nervous about it because I thought it was just too silly, but now I love it!



Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment, I love reading each and every one!

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