Thursday, December 13, 2012

Some More ForGoodnessGrape Balms!

A while back in September, I believe, Lisa over at ForGoodnessGrape had a sale on her balms and had a discount code for her bundled packages too. So naturally...I had to purchase seven lip balms. Yeah, I have to work on impulse control. But sometimes, around lip balm (and coats and boots and...) I just can't help myself!

Company: ForGoodnessGrape

Flavors: Cinnamon Pear, Blueberry Lemonade, Toasted Coconut, Blackberry Lemonade, Lychee, Pineapple, and Candied Caramel Apple. With this order, I decided to try a new flavor that I had never tried before...Cinnamon Pear. This balm is mostly cinnamon to me, the pear in it is just kinda covered up and overwhelmed by the cinnamon. But I love cinnamon (but, not too much cinnamon) so this was okay in my book! The Blueberry Lemonade smells just like real, fresh blueberries blended with sweet, sugary lemonade. I mean seriously, this balm is dead on blueberry! I may have stopped liking Blueberry balms, but for you blueberry lovers out there, this is definitely one to put on your shopping list. The Toasted Coconut smells just like it should, lightly toasted coconut flakes. You still get the sweet warm coconut, but with just a little bit of a toasted/burnt-like scent. The Blackberry Lemonade is wonderful! It smells exactly like Blackberries and lemonade! I was never really a big fan of blackberries, so I didn't know how I'd like this balm. But I definitely like it, it's really refreshing and light. Lychee balms are always ones I have to take a gamble on, none really remind me of the fruit (fresh or canned) which is disappointing. This balm smells a little like lychee to me, but it isn't quite there yet. It's definitely sweet though! The Pineapple is a wonderfully refreshing pineapple scent. I haven't had a plain pineapple balm in a while so this is just what I needed. It's great!

Wear: Smooth! These balms go on so nicely and evenly too, my lips feel really soft and smooth after putting this on.

Packaging: These balms come in your average sized lip balm tubes that have clear labels. The labels have two bands on them designed with a pattern and color scheme to match the flavor of the balm. The flavor of the balm is also right on front in big letters which makes it easily identifiable.

Price: $4 to $4.75 which is definitely higher than I usually pay for a lip balm, but Lisa has so many sales and promotions which usually bring the price down to my normal range for balms.

Pros: Flavors, Wear, Packaging, Price

Ingredients: Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Cocoa Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, Beeswax, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Vitamin E, Fragrance

Rating: 5 out of 5 twists. I really like Lisa's balms, she has SO many flavors to choose from. It's always hard when trying to decide just which ones I'll be trying.

Have you tried ForGoodnessGrape balms before? Which flavors are your favorite? If you haven't tried them before, which flavor looks most interesting to you?

**Don't forget to enter my giveaway here for your own stick of Softlips Marshmallow Ghost**


  1. Love these balms! I am so glad I decided to try them! My current favorite is Vanilla Chai and Butterbeer. I also love the labels, they are so creative looking. ;)

    1. Aren't they just fabulous? I just can't get enough of Lisa's flavors. The Butterbeer is amazing! My newest favorite is Cream Soda, I cannot get enough of it!



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