Saturday, February 9, 2013

Little Batch Giveaway!

I've been wanting to hold a Little Batch giveaway ever since my first Little Batch Apothecary review, and now that the shop is up and running again what better time than now to host it! With my last two orders from Little Batch, I received a Lemon Cheesecake lip balm as a freebie as well as a Cinnamon Raisin Bread roll-on perfume. I'm not a huge perfume person, so I figured this would definitely be great paired with the Lemon Cheesecake balm for a giveaway! The perfume smells AMAZING. One lucky winner will win these two wonderful products! Please note that this giveaway is open to U.S. Residents only and that the winning entry WILL be verified!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck to all who enter!


  1. Oooh I have been eyeing that Lemon Cheesecake lip balm for a while but I've put myself on a lippie no-buy. But winning a lip balm is different :P And I would love that perfume as well! Love a good roll-on!

  2. Nice giveaway. I haven't tried any of her lip balms yet but lemon cheesecake sounds right up my alley. :)

  3. Sorry Casey I accidentally deleted your comment from my phone, but I'm re-posting it for you! Don't worry your entry still counts!

    "I have never tried Little Batch but it's on my list to try next! I recently ordered from ForGoodnessGrape, Orange Thyme, Epically Epic, and Country Blossom because of your blog! :) "

    I'm glad you've been trying some balms from some pretty fabulous shops!


  4. Thanks for holding YET ANOTHER giveaway. You find such interesting brands to introduce us to! :)

  5. This shop and Lee's Bees are two I've been wanting to try since reading your blog so I can buy local. By the way Lee's Bees has a coupon code SNOWSTORM for 10% off for those of us shoveling our way out this morning. :)

  6. Red Velvet Cake sounds amazing, but since I've never tried any of the lipbalms, I couldn't say for sure.

  7. Very cool, Christina... now that I know you're not down with perfume, we'll stick with the balms. :)
    Because I adore anyone who's as obsessed with lip balms as you and I are, I'd like to do something special for your readers. Here is a coupon code for 20% off any items in my Etsy shop: LipBalmWrangler. It's good through February 28th. The code should be entered in the coupon code area in checkout; it cannot be used after a purchase has already been made... trying to keep life simple for this very new mom, haha!
    Your blog is wonderful, and I'm having fun reading about all of the other great balm-y adventures that you've had. Keep at it, your enthusiasm is infectious!

    1. Thank you so much, Jen! That is so very generous of you! I will make sure to share that with all my readers!

      And thank you so much for the encouragement, I really appreciate it! =)


  8. Good luck for the winner! I hope someday you can do international giveaways *-* have a great sunday Christina! I'm already a fan of you.

  9. My favorite is Pumpkin Cheesecake! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  10. Nothing like walking around smelling like a Cinnamon Raisin Bread lol. I haven't tried anything by Little Batch but that Lemon Cheesecake sounds really good and the roll on perfume is an added bonus; I love all kinds of perfume.

  11. I haven't tried Little Batch balms, but the semi-sweet chocolate sounds delicious!

  12. I haven't tried Little Batch balms before but I would love to try the Lemon Cheesecake!(:

  13. haven't tried it, but I am almost positive i would LOVE lemon cheesecake!


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