Sunday, February 3, 2013

Balms of the Week 2.3.13

I've been receiving so many wonderful balms lately which means I've been able to use so many amazing balms lately! Here are the balms I've been really into this week:

Chapstick's Cake Batter
This balm is amazing! I don't usually like cake batter anything, but this balm is my go-to favorite this week!

Live Beautifully's Chocolate Orange
Still loving this decadent balm!

Live Beautifully's Lime & Vanilla
This is going to be a favorite for a long time to come, it's so good!

The Simple Siren's Coconut Cream
This is so coconut-y and wonderful!

ForGoodnessGrape's Lemon Meringue Pie
Another lemony winner in my book! I love all things lemon and this balm definitely doesn't disappoint!

ForGoodnessGrape's Banana Colada
I've been recommended this balm so many times, and I finally tried it! I can see what the hype has been all about! Thanks, Alyssa for recommending this to me! 

What balms have you been using this week?
Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. This week I have also been using The Simple Siren's Coconut Cream and Matcha Green Tea. I've also been using Little Batch's Winter Frost and LWF's Peach Coconut. Oh, and can't forget my Live Beautifully Body whipped butter in Butterscotch. It's absolutely sinful!

    1. The Matcha Green Tea is on my list, how strong are the jasmine and mandarin in that one Trish? Someone left feedback that the flavor is subtle, which sounds unusual for a TSSO balm.

      Been using my new Tangerine Transcendence a lot, it's equal parts citrus and vanilla, yum! I was going to have Kat send me a replacement since it is missing the spice but I decided I like it enough that she doesn't have to.

    2. I can detect the mandarin but the jasmine is very subtle. It's a lovely balm though. I've really been enjoying it! I just ordered 2 balms from the Simply Put line; Grapefruit and Lime. Very excited to try those!

    3. You've been using some really awesome balms this week, Trish! Those are definitely some of my favorites! Minus the Matcha Green Tea since I still haven't tried that one yet.

      I'm glad you're still enjoying your Tangerine Transcendence, Jean!

      Trish, you'll definitely like the Lime, Kat sent it with my last order and it's wonderful! I still want to try the Grapefruit one.


  2. Can I say that your blog is the best blog I've ever seen?
    I must confess... There's not a lot of good lip balm brands to buy here in Brazil (best here is Nivea, there's no "homemade" balms to buy) but I'm always surfing on Etsy to find good flavors and prices.
    Now I have this place to know what's the best option and that's fantastic ;D
    Oh, I'm already using Threla's Irish Cream, smells really yummy and is really moisturizing. Kinda stickier, but I like it, keeps my lips protected for longer rather a softer balm.

    You're already in my favorites! xx

    1. Renata,

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I was absolutely gushing over them when I read them.

      Please let me know if you ever need any recommendations, I'm always willing to help another lip balm lover find the perfect balm =).

      I'm glad you're enjoying your Threla balm, I agree they're a bit stickier but they sure are wonderful!

      Thank you again for your kind words =).



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