Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My WHOLE Lip Balm Collection!

I'm sure you've all seen at least some of my reviews and how each review has anywhere between 2 and 9 (sometimes even more) lip balms. Upon seeing these, I'm sure you've all wondered, "Where exactly does she keep this stuff?!" Well I'm finally going to share with you all and uh...the world...just how I store all of my lip balms. It's really embarrassing and makes me seem like I have a problem (which I kind of do), but lip balms are like my hobby if you will. I'm going to walk you through each container that I keep my balms, are you ready?

This is my "top" container. It has three drawers, a compartment that opens up on top, and a few holders on top.
These are the holders on top in the back of the container. These balms will be used in giveaways that will happen very, very soon!

This is the first drawer, it used to hold a lot of stuff. It was used for my lip glosses (which now have a little box for themselves in my bathroom), but now it's used for my tinted balms, potted balms, and lip scrubs.

This is the second drawer of the top container.

This is the third drawer of the top container. It houses all of my Softlips and other thin tubed lip balms.

This is my "bottom" container. It has FIVE drawers.

This is the first drawer, there's a lot of Lemon Citrus balms kept in here.

This is the second drawer. it houses my eos balms and all the other ones are special lip balms my dad brought back for me from London and Portugal.

This is the third drawer, it has a lot of Savex balms and balms I picked up over Christmas.

This is the fourth drawer and it houses a LOT of balms (which I haven't reviewed yet) and various others.

This is the fifth drawer and it houses almost all of my Crazy Rumors lip balms and various others.

This is the top and bottom containers put together. These two containers are stacked upon another three drawer unit which houses my makeup.

This is one of my containers that sits in my headboard. This contains all of the new balms I've received in the last couple of weeks. It's a little hard to reach the ones all the way in the bottom without emptying out the entire thing.

This is another container that I keep in my headboard, it contains some of my most frequently or most recently used balms (except that vanilla bean eos stick, that one fell behind my bed a few months ago and I finally picked it up). This container used to house all of the balms I owned. That was back in October or November of last year, ever since I found Etsy my collection has exploded!

This is a bag that I use to carry balms I'm just about to write reviews about. It goes with me almost everywhere that I'm going to be spending some time, just in case the mood to write strikes me.

This is the container I keep in my living room. It sure has come in handy. I used to keep my balms all over my living room end table, but this little container keeps it all neat and tidy in one place.

Here's what the inside of my living room container looks like. It's pretty bare compared to my other containers.

Here's my whole collection (minus my review bag) in one piece!

I hope you enjoyed my walk through, I don't think there's anyone out there who is more addicted to lip balm and trying new flavors like I am! So trust me, I think I know a thing or two about lip balm.

The square cardboard containers can be found at Target in their $1 impulse section when you first walk into the store. The plastic drawers can be found at Target, Walmart, Meijer, basically anywhere and retail for about $10.

If you see any balms from these photos that I haven't reviewed yet and you'd be interested in reading a review about them, please let me know and I'll add it/them to my roster for reviews.

What does your collection look like? Did you get any ideas from my collection on how to keep your balms?

--The Lip Balm Wrangler


  1. Wow! Very impressive! Just wondering where you got the first container in the picture. I have one similar to that with 3 drawers but would love one with the snap on top like that has. I wish I could have little baskets like that but anything within reach of my 3 year old is fair game! Thanks for sharing your wonderful collection!

    1. I believe I purchased the first container at Meijer. I checked their 'home solutions' section and stumbled upon that. I haven't seen it since though. I found a similar one online here:

      Hope that helps!

      --The Lip Balm Wrangler

  2. Thanks! We only have a Walmart around here but I'll keep my eye out for something like this. My little 3 drawer is getting packed! Ugh, I really need to stop buying! ;)

    1. I know how that feels! I really need to cut back on buying, my drawers are so packed! I wish there was something that I could store my balms in where I could see all the balms inside, there's just so many that get lost among the rest!

      --The Lip Balm Wrangler

  3. What a large and beautiful collection you have Christine! I keep my balms in a large acrylic clear drawer box that my husband gave me. I like to see what I have. You can find some at Her boxes are beautifully made in CA but are quite costly due to the price of acrylic and the handcraftsmanship. If you have ever watched Keeping Up with the Kardasians then you have probably seen these boxes on their bathroom counter tops.

    1. Thank you, Denise! I would love to have something like that where I could see everything, they're so pretty to look at too! Perhaps one day I'll look into purchasing one of those, but boy are they expensive! I have actually seen those on the show! Cool!

      --The Lip Balm Wrangler

  4. What do you do with the balms that you dislike? I haven't got the heart to throw mine out, so they're all sitting in a make-up bag in my bathroom drawer. :)

  5. That very question did pop into my head... how many lip balms do you have and where do you keep them? Love it! I don't have nearly as many lip balms but I have a few. I usually keep a handful on the go and then pick from my stash in the closet to replenish. However, sometimes I feel like I rarely finish a tube... it takes forever!


Thank you SO much for taking the time to comment, I love reading each and every one!

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