Sunday, September 16, 2012

Balms of the Week 9.16.12

This week has been crazy busy for me: I started nannying again, started tutoring, got crazy sick towards the end of the week, and had to fly back to San Francisco. Throughout it all, I still managed to keep these balms by my side:

Epically Epic Soap Co.'s Cardamom Vanilla

I was really shocked to realize that this was like my favorite of the balms I received from Epically Epic. I'm so glad Allison included it in my order, otherwise I probably would never have tried it and would have missed out on something great!

ForGoodnessGrape's Lemon Sorbet 
This is such a delicious lemon balm, just like candy!

Blue Q Lip Shit's Raspberry Lemongrass
I'm surprised I'm still using this, I don't really like lip balm that comes in tins but this one has me coming back for more!

What have you been using this week? Have you picked up anything new?



  1. LOL - Lip Shit. That cracks me up.

    I've still been sticking with my Burt's Bees and Goat Milk Stuff, BUT . . . I did get a brand new one from Blackberry Creek Soaps and just started using it yesterday. It's Chai scent and I was so excited about it, but I'm not impressed so far. *sigh*


    1. I know, isn't it hilarious? When my friend told me she was buying them for me I was so surprised I'd never heard of the brand!

      I'm sorry your new Chai balm isn't working out for you =(.


    2. It was weird the first day I used it, like the whole top layer of my lips cracked and peeled. After that it seems to have settled down nicely, but I do seem to be reapplying it quite often. Won't buy this one again.


    3. That's so strange and sounds painful =(. I hate when you have to reapply often, sometimes it just gets so in the way. On the bright side, at least now you know for next time =).


  2. I've been loving my Coconut Lime Twist from Fresh & Natural Co this week! And, I caved and ordered some balms from Epically Epic (Cherry Pineapple and restocks of Vanilla Coke and Sleepy Time) and Orange Thyme (Marshmallow Hot Cocoa, Key Lime Pie, and Pumpkin Cheesecake)! I might have to try that Cardamom Vanilla sometime.

    1. I love the Coconut Lime Twist from Fresh & Natural Co.! Let me know how the Cherry Pineapple is from EE, I keep looking for it in her shop but don't see it? I also bought Marshmallow Hot Cocoa and Pumpkin Cheesecake along with just about every other fall flavor Orange Thyme has in the shop (oops =)). I highly recommend the Cardamom Vanilla, it's amazingly (and surprisingly for me) wonderful!

      Thanks for sharing, Alyssa!


    2. The Cherry Pineapple is listed as a limited edition in her lip balm sets. There's a few other limited edition balms as well - Coke & Lemon and Honeydew. I couldn't resist ordering a set when I saw the Cherry Pineapple listed!

    3. The Cherry Pineapple is listed as a limited edition in her sets, along with a few others. I couldn't resist ordering a set when I saw the Cherry Pineapple! (I stalk the EE shop...)

    4. Thank you for telling me about it, Alyssa! I'm ordering it along with some custom flavors I had made =). Can't wait to try it!



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