Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Huge Haul of Balm!

Hi all!

I know today is not a day I usually post, but I really wanted to share pictures of my HUGE haul of lip balm this week! I usually don't go this crazy when ordering lip balm but for some reason, last week was the big week for me to order some new lip balms! I actually got a heck of a deal (to me at least, even though I still spent a lot), on my order from I spent about $27 for 17 tubes of lip balm! Usually for $27 you can get about 9 tubes of balm or so, so I feel pretty happy I was able to almost double that for the same price. Here are some pictures of the boat load of balms I picked up this week (the reviews will be coming up the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!).

This is my huge haul from, I was so excited when this arrived!

I also received my order from Whispering Willow.
Right now everything is 25% off in their shop!

My order from Candle Lynn.

I finally placed an order from Dress Green!

These next couple weeks will be filled with these new balms as well as some special reviews.

What new balms have you received this week?

--The Lip Balm Wrangler


  1. I've been checking the blog but for some reason it is just now showing up for me. Weird! Anyway, can't wait for reviews on some of these! I've got several orders on the way from Orange Thyme, Fresh &Natural Co., Epically Epic and Long Winter. Yeah, I went a little crazy! I know you'll just love Dress Green!


    1. I'm sorry that you've been having trouble viewing the blog, I don't know what's up with that! Let me know how you enjoy all of your new balms. I'm waiting (a bit impatiently) for my Orange Thyme balms to arrive, I'm always so excited when those arrive. It seems we've both been going a little crazy trying new lip balms, but hey, I'm not complaining =).

      --The Lip Balm Wrangler

  2. You are missing BUDDHA BALM. Once you try their stuff you will never try another lip balm ever again. Cool brand and naturally flavorful products.

    1. I've tried Buddha Balm in the past and I just wasn't that big of a fan. But maybe I'll have to re-try them and do a post about them.

      Thanks for sharing!

      --The Lip Balm Wrangler


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