Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Balms I've Got My Eye On 9.11.12

This day is always really hard for me and always a sensitive topic for me. A lot of my friends know that if something about 9/11 is on TV to either change the channel really quick so I don't notice or they brace themselves while I watch it. It's a little weird because I didn't lose anyone on 9/11, I don't live in New York, I wasn't near there, and I was only in the 5th grade so I didn't really understand completely what was going on. But still it means so much to me. Maybe it's because my dad flies a lot for work or because it could have been Chicago and my mom works downtown or maybe just because it could have happened anywhere to anyone. I'd really like for you to just give a minute for all of those who gave their lives for us on that fateful day. It's really hard for me to get the words right.

Despite the memories this day holds for me, here are the balms I'm eyeing this week:

Lee's Bee's Blueberry

Puur Body's Apple Pie

Tracey Gurley Bath and Body's Blueberry Cheesecake

Since summer is pretty much gone, I've been trying to cling to the last remnants of it by eating tons and tons of blueberries (my favorite!) so it's not wonder that I've been craving blueberry lip balms this week. Also, because of this day I always feel really proud to be an American and to live in America which explains the Apple Pie lip balm (yes, stereotypical American things, but Apple Pie is delicious!).

What do you do on this day to remember those who gave their lives on 9/11/2001?

*Don't forget to enter my giveaway, it ends next Monday at 9AM CST!*

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