Friday, October 12, 2012

Balms I've Got My Eye On 10.12.12

Hey all!

My lip balm browsing has been in full swing with my birthday only 6 days away. I like to make my cart full of different lip balms on Etsy and then go through it with my boyfriend to see which balms we buy. He spoils me =). This week, the balms at the top of my list are:

I've been eyeing a lot of flavors from You Stink Soap for a while, but this may be the tipping point (I'm a sucker for mango anything!) 

The Simple Siren's Mango Lassi
Once again, I love Mango and have been eyeing SO many balms from this company but they're so expensive ($5 a tube) but for my birthday, I think I'll make an exception.

Blue Q Me-Om's Ginger Pomegranate
After I posted my review last week on Blue Q's Lip Shit, I saw they added a few new flavors to their line up. So naturally...I want all of them! I will definitely have to check out at least one or two.

What balms are you eyeing this week? Have you tried any of these companies before?

Have a great weekend!



  1. I just ordered 3 balms from You Stink Soap. They have a few interesting flavors I can't wait to try! I got Mexican Cocoa, Coconut Milk & Peaches and Spearmint Vanilla. Her balms got great feedback in her shop so I'm hoping they are great!


    1. Yay! I just ordered her 6 pack today (I don't know why but I've been ordering everything in 6 packs lately) and definitely cannot wait to try her flavors. I bought Key Lime Pie, Lime Sugar, Mango, Blood Orange Vanilla, Mexican Cocoa, and Black Cherry Apple. I knew you'd buy her Spearmint Vanilla, when I saw that in her shop I was like, "I wonder if Trish has seen this yet?" since you told me you loved your other vanilla mint balm that was spearmint. If I'm remembering correctly =).

      Let me know how you like them!


  2. Yes I definetly love spearmint! I will let you know when I get them. :)


  3. I really like the Balms from You Stink Soap! I crrently have Lime Sugar, Dulce de Leche, Whte Chocolate Macadamia, and Mexican Hot Cocoa and love them all! Looking to Try the Black Cherry Apple!

    Really like balms from Simple Siren as well. Have all the flavors listed in their shop currently! Also highly recommend her lip scrub tubes esp. Love the Lemon Lime Crush, Benevolent Vanilla Bean, Macha Green Tea and Mint Chocolate Chip! So yummy and portable! Highly recommend!

    1. Ever since you recommended You Stink Soap to me I've been eyeing those balms like crazy! I finally caved yesterday =) and can't wait to try them all out!

      I'm so tempted to purchase from the Simple Siren, right now I'm eyeing the Mango Lassi, Lemon Meringue, and Tangerine Lime. I will definitely check out her lip scrubs as well!

      Thank you for the recommendations!



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