Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sponsor Shout Out: Epically Epic Soap!

Hi all!

Have you noticed that I have a new sponsor this month? If not, go ahead and check out the right hand side of the page...yup, it's Epically Epic Soap Co.! Now you all know how much I absolutely adore Allison and her balms (and if you don't...check out here and here and here) so I thought that you guys would like to know just a little more about the lovely lady behind the balms. Make sure to check out Epically Epic Soap when you get the chance! Or right now...(after you read this post, of course)

Here's a little Q&A for you:

Lip Balm Wrangler: What got you into making handmade/homemade bath products?

Allison: I have loved collecting bath & body and scented products for almost as long as I can remember. Back in 2008, I remember having a discussion with some friends about what to do with my life. I had been an art gallery director and a painter for 10 years and was in the mood to try something new. One of the possibilities I mentioned was starting a soap company. I didn’t really think it would happen, but a couple of months later I tried making a few soaps. The first ones turned out pretty tragic, but I became completely obsessed with learning more and getting my company started.

Lip Balm Wrangler: What is your personal favorite bath & body product?
Allison: Amondopondo bubble bars from Lush. I hope I'll have time for a long luxurious bath again someday!

Lip Balm Wrangler: What is your favorite lip balm flavor of the balms available in your shop?

Allison: This changes all the time, but right now I keep reaching for my Sugar Cookie lip balm.

Lip Balm Wrangler: Where do you get your biggest inspirations from for your lip balm flavors?

Allison: I can get inspiration from nature, cooking, gardening and even from dreams. For example, Pineapple Sage was inspired by one of the plants in my garden, and Sleepy Time came to me in a dream :)

Thank you SO much Allison for deciding to sponsor my blog this month, it means so much to me! <3

Remember when you check out Allison's shop, tell her who sent ya!


  1. Love Allison's lip balms so much! I have a few in my Etsy cart right now! I can't pick a favorite, there are too many!


  2. I agree with both you and Trish. Allison is such a wonderful person and artist! And she makes the best products! I highly recommend her solid lotions they smell awesome and keep you feeling moisturized and not dry and cracked! I just ordered some custom balms along with her new Egg Nog, White Chocolate Popcorn and Apple Pie.

    1. I really want to try her solid lotions! I might throw one of those in with my next order =).

      I'm excited to try all of her new holiday flavors!


  3. How do you get custom balms? I would love an Apple Pie balm!


    1. If you order one of the sets it's one of the flavors!


  4. I didn't even know that! As if I needed another reason to place another order with Allison! Thanks!


    1. I know, right? As soon as she lists a new flavor I'm on it so quickly! Let me know how you like it!



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